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Current Scenario Of Small Entity Status Under The Regime Of Amended Patent Rules, 2014

Writer's picture: BIAT Legal Advocates And Legal AdvisorsBIAT Legal Advocates And Legal Advisors

On 28th February, 2014 Indian Patent Office published one of their recent emendations in the Patent( Correction) Rules, 2014. In this correction the figure structure has been revised for form of patent operation as well as other proceedings before the Patent Office nearly about double of the before freights and 10 fresh figure when the operations for patent and other documents are filed through the physical mode, i.e., in hard dupe format as opposed to the online mode. Further, a new Form 7( A) has been handed for filing the" Representation Opposing entitlement of Patent" under sub-section( 1) of section 25 and sub-rule( 1) of Rule 55 of the top rules. still, no figure shall be outstanding for the same1.

piecemeal from the preface of freights and forms, a new form has been introduced fulfilling the criteria for" small reality" which is a third order of aspirant for patent for the upliftment of the small scale diligence to cover their new inventions. The freights charged to them have been fixed in between the freights for a natural person and for all persons other than natural persons. These moves of the patent office really escalated the small-scale diligence to cover under the reign of IPR. This Composition brings the current view of the small reality status under the Indian Patent governance and the effect of the preface of Form 28 in the Patents Amendment Rules, 2014.


The Micro & Small Enterprises( MSEs) Sector continues to be a vibrant sector of Indian frugality. It's estimated that there are about12.8 million units( over 90 per cent of total artificial units) in this sector employing nearly 31 million people. This sector contributes nearly 39 per cent of the total artificial product and accounts for roughly 33 per cent of the total exports. This sector has constantly registered an advanced growth rate than the rest of the artificial sector. There are over 6500 products ranging from traditional to high- tech particulars, which are being manufactured by the small enterprises in India. After husbandry, the MSEs sector provides the maximum openings for both tone- employment and jobs in the country. The small enterprises sector in India holds great eventuality for further expansion and growth in the future. Moment Thousands of small and medium enterprises( SMEs) in India are reported to be losing millions in earnings due to lack of mindfulness about IPRs( intellectual property rights). About,000 IP operations are filed in India annually and 85 per cent of these are filed by transnational ports, leaving a sizable number filed by SMEs. In the advanced world, owing to high mindfulness situations, small entrepreneurs approach adventure capital and private equity finances to meet the charges incurred on cost of protection, enforcement and commercialisation of IPRs. In the recent study, it has been observed that numerous small players refrain from seeking patents owing to limited fiscal coffers. A similar step by the Indian Patent Office to preface the' Small reality' and a nominal figure for patent related work is a good step for the boost of SMEs in India.

Now moving ahead regarding the correction which is as follows-

A third order of aspirant for patent has been introduced in the form of" small reality" and the freights charged to them has been fixed in between the freights for a natural person and for all persons other than natural persons( except a small reality). The criteria for" small reality" have been developed in the amended rules.

A new Form- 28 has been introduced in the rules, which has to accompany every new operation. For posterior documents for which a figure has been specified and for which the figure applicable for a small reality is claimed, it should be assured that Form- 28 is filed at- least formerly against the operation number.

For defining small realities, the Rules relate to the bracket of enterprises under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006( the" MSME" Act). The Rules classify the small reality as a" medium enterprise" under the MSME Act. To qualify as a small reality, the aspirant's investment in shops and ministry should be between Rupees 5 to 10 crores( approx. USD0.8 to1.6 million) if it's in the business of products and manufacture of goods. These goods include the goods specified in the First Schedule of the diligence( Development and Regulation) Act, 1951( available at runner 42 of the Act). Still, if the aspirant is a service provider, his investment in the outfit should be between Rupees 2 to 5 crores.

The preface of these emendations for the small realities creates further confusion on retrospectively outstanding freights, counteraccusations of change in status during execution, timeline for submission of Form 28, qualification for foreign aspirants, among numerous other confederated issues, which would now need clarity and potentially beget issues wherein there's insufficiency of freights. Hope these criteria might not give a chance of abandoning the patent operation but incorrect claiming of Small reality status, ornon-declaration of conversion from small- reality to large- reality, may come on the grounds of cancellation of patent by a third party trying to invalidate the patent. Further on seeing the current MSME description stated in the act, no same was applicable for the foreign diligence under the' factory and ministry' section but no clear instruction has been there in the Patents Amendment Rules, 2014 regarding the submission of documents along with Form 28 when filing Patent operation in India.


moment it has been observed that the Universities and exploration organizations are the top filers of the patent operations in India. On the preface of the clause of the' small reality' it has been observed that Foreign Universities and Research organizations classify themselves under this clause. On reading the recently fitted Rule 2( fa) of the Indian Patents rule, 2014 and interpreting the clear meaning of the word' enterprises' these Foreign Universities and Research organizations may be covered under the small reality as they give the exploration services to the assiduity. Since, it looks a huge threat for the Foreign Universities and Research organizations to keep themselves under the roof of small reality.


After addition of the small reality in the Patents Amendment Rules, 2014, a new line of confusion has created when the small realities may change the status during the course of execution i.e. when the small reality assigns the patent to large reality. On easily observing the Rule 7( 3A) of the Indian Patents Act, 2000 difference in figure has to be paid on the status of new aspirant but in situations when the small reality loses its status from Small to large reality after filing the Patent operation India. In similar cases, should the figure demand have been decided at each stage of filing the patent related work? And hence it wasn't clear how the Patent office will handle similar realistic situations in future?


In this composition amendments herein declared as the Patents( Correction) Rules, 2014 made by the Patent office, pertaining to the preface of new order of' small realities', have been bandied. It has been observed that the rules laid herein are silent on the nature of substantiation demanded to be submitted by" small realities" demonstrating that they meet the qualifying criteria. It's also not clear as to whether Universities & Research Institutions classify themselves as" small realities" and what will be if small realities change their status during execution. Further there's an nebulosity in terms of foreign aspirants where no proper documents have been bandied along with Form 28 when filing patent operations in India. This correction will comment on IPO for giving clear instruction on the issues bandied over and soon IPO would do well to clarify the position of universities and exploration institutions along with small realities in India and abroad.


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